Take remote support to the next level!

Good news for our distant customers!

The coronavirus pandemic in Europe and the rest of the world made travelling abroad difficult, if not impossible. However, our customers still needed our assistance to keep their equipment in good condition. Sometimes, assistance by phone or email was not enough. To continue offering a quality service even when physical travel to the customer’s site was not possible, we acquired smart glasses.

What are smart glasses? They are glasses equipped with a camera, a small screen and audio. See picture opposite. The technician or the customer who wears these glasses can connect, through a WIFI network, to an expert platform. On this web platform, a Carrier expert can see exactly what the technician/customer is seeing and can give his instructions verbally or through the screen by pointing out something or sharing a drawing, a procedure or any other document.

Important customer benefits we see by using Smart Glasses are:

  • Improved (decreased) solution lead-time resulting in efficiency and uptime benefits
  • Reduced labor costs while being able to solve issues remotely
  • Logging of calls (history)
  • Share photos, videos and workflow all in one call/tool

A few examples where Smart Glasses can be utilized:

  • Remote support for new equipment
  • Remote training
  • Troubleshooting existing equipment.

We are convinced that the smart glasses are a good alternative to support our customers when travel is difficult or when a fast response is required.

Let’s always turn difficulties into opportunities!


Agenda des salons 2024
29 / 02

Cette année encore, nous vous montrerons comment nos équipements sur mesure peuvent contribuer à faire de votre processus une réalité pratique et rentable !


Agenda des salons 2024
29 / 02

Cette année encore, nous vous montrerons comment nos équipements sur mesure peuvent contribuer à faire de votre processus une réalité pratique et rentable !